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January 18, 2023

27th Annual Sonoma State University Holocaust and Genocide Lecture Series

April 13 AIPR Affiliated Scholar James Waller will speak on “Becoming Evil: How Ordinary People Commit Mass Murder” as part of the 27th Annual Sonoma State University Holocaust and Genocide Lecture Series in Rohnert Park, CA.
Sheri P. Rosenberg

Policy Papers and Briefs in Prevention

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Research Reports & White Papers

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SNCF Papers

Filling the Silence: A Study in Corporate Holocaust History and the Nature of Corporate Memory
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Auschwitz Institute Annual Reports

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Training Resources

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Booklet on National Mechanisms for the Prevention of Genocide and other Atrocity Crimes (2015-2018)

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Annual Reports of the Latin American Network for Genocide and Mass Atrocity Prevention

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