Through its Profiles in Prevention series, the Auschwitz Institute highlights leaders who have emerged from programs like our Raphael Lemkin Seminar with an especially strong commitment to preventing genocide and other mass atrocities. These role models strive to create and shape policies, both at home and abroad, that focus on effective and sustainable prevention.
Zabib Musa Loro is a human rights and gender activist with more than 10 years of experience in Gender, sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), transitional justice, policy advocacy, mentorship, and managing development operations.
Mersudin Pružan is a prosecutor of the Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Eduardo C. B. Bittar, is a lawyer, jurist, professor, and researcher with three decades of experience in higher education.
Dr. Danilo Vergani Machado specializes in international relations with a specific emphasis on public policies related to human rights in Brazil.
Irene Cabrera is a Professor at the Externado University in Colombia, where she leads research proje...
Gérard Hakizimana is a Burundian activist whose work on conflict management has influenced the Burun...
Dr. Feride Rushiti is the founder and Executive Director of the Kosovo Rehabilitation Center for Tor...
Dr. Ruth Meyre M. Rodrigues is a Portuguese-language Teacher in the Educational Public System of the...
Mauricio Coitiño (@mauricio_uy) is a specialist in public policy and communications from a human rig...
Francisco Celso Leitão Freitas is a history teacher and the Pedagogical Director of the Respect and...
Irinel Rotariu is a Colonel Magistrate and military prosecutor at the Military Prosecutor’s Office i...
Lokuto Bismark Simon works with the Community Empowerment for Progress Organization – South Sudan (C...
Lillian Kobusingye currently serves as a Program Officer at the Uganda Association of Women Lawyers...
Edwine Okuta is a member of the Kenyan National Committee on the Prevention and Punishment of the Cr...
Mr. Dickson Liyayi Magotsi currently serves as the Undersecretary and Head of Programs for the Kenya...
Dr. Sriprapha Petcharamesree is the Director of the Ph.D. Program in Human Rights and Peace Studies...
Alice Nderitu is a pioneer in the field of peacebuilding and violence prevention. She has served as...
(photo: Dr. Ariela Peralta is the President of Uruguay's National Institution for Hum...
Ambassador Blanka Jamnišek currently serves as the Slovenian National Focal Point for the Responsibi...
David Schwake, the former German Ambassador to the Republic of South Sudan, attended our first Rapha...
Debbie Stothard is an active promoter of human rights in Burma and the ASEAN region. During her 32-y...
Dismas Nkunda is a longtime leader in Ugandan civil society and the Founder and Executive Director o...
Dr. Seree Nonthasoot, the Representative of Thailand to the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Hu...
Duje Ančić is the Head of the Division for Peace Missions and Operations in the Sector for NATO and...
Fabian Oddone is a diplomat currently acting as the Deputy Chief of Mission at the Argentine Embassy...
Mr. Fadhili Jackson Manyaki is a Peacebuilding Specialist at the Institute of Peace and Conflict Stu...
Grata Endah Werdaningtyas is Deputy Director for the Rights of Vulnerable Groups at the Directorate...
Jaime Alejandro Godoy Tellez is the head of the United Nations System Department in the Human Rights...
José Luis Guerra Mayorga is the General Director of Protection at the Ecuadorian Office of the Ombud...
The Honorable Lady Justice Jamila Mohammed is a Judge of Appeal within Kenya's national Court of App...
Mr. Lawrence Orowe is the Vice Chairman of Kenya's National Committee for the Prevention and Punishm...
Marlon Alberto Weichert serves as Deputy Federal Ombudsman in Brazil’s Federal Public Ministry. He h...
María Alejandra Costa Prieto is the Director of the Human Rights Department in Uruguay's Ministry of...
Dr. Roba D. Sharamo currently serves as Commissioner of the National Cohesion and Integration Commis...
Dr. Rut Diamint is a professor of Political Science at Torcuato Di Tella University and researcher a...
Sambwa Simbyakula-Chilembo serves as Acting Principal Counsel in the International Law and Agreement...
Before being appointed to the Nepalese Truth and Reconciliation Committee, Shree Krishna Subedi was...
Vahidin Omanovic and Mevludin Rahmanovic are the co-Founders and co-Directors of the Center for Peac...