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November 15, 2023

Call for Funding

Building on some of the practices our partners in the philanthropic field have developed, for example the announcement of “Calls for Proposals,” the Auschwitz Institute has decided to issue a “Call for Funding” page here on its website. The purpose of this page is to provide all of the relevant information on projects which are not yet fully funded, so that prospective supporters can learn more about those activities as well as how to support them. Please see below a brief description, point of contact, and link to the full concept note for each project available in this current call for funding.

Peacebuilding and Violence Prevention (PP) in the Central Region ofUganda

Project Description 

At its core, this project proposes to implement a series of peace building and violence prevention (PVP)interventions over 24 months in collaboration with the Ugandan National Committee for the Prevention of Genocide (UNC), other identified representatives from central and local governments, and civil society. The overarching goal of the project is to build the capacity of a cross section of critical stakeholders to end the enduring conflict processes in the central region of Uganda, respond to risks of violence escalation and atrocities, and prevent their escalation or occurrence.

Building a Genocide Prevention Curriculum in Kurdistan |September 2023

Project Description 

A collaborative project that, through close collaboration with local partner the KG Lobby Center, will help catalyze an educational policy reform in Kurdistan to ensure effective and sustainable learning about past atrocities in Kurdistan and to activate students to contribute to the prevention of identity-based violence.

Education and the Prevention of Mass Atrocities in Bosnia and Herzegovina | June 2023

Project Description 

A project that through close collaboration with local partner the Center for Peacebuilding, will provide young people in BiH with knowledge, values, and skills to combat hate speech and discriminatory behaviors, while learning to value the plurality of ideas that exist in BiH today as a basis to promote democratic coexistence.

Education and Conflict Forum in UkraineConcept note | June

Project Description 

A project that, through close collaboration with local partner LingvaLexa, will create an online forum for raising awareness among Ukrainian policymakers about the different effects conflict can have on the education system and to strengthen their capacity to manage the resulting consequences in the Ukrainian education system.

Sheri P. Rosenberg

Policy Papers and Briefs in Prevention

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Research Reports & White Papers

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SNCF Papers

Filling the Silence: A Study in Corporate Holocaust History and the Nature of Corporate Memory
No items found.

Auschwitz Institute Annual Reports

No items found.

Training Resources

No items found.

Booklet on National Mechanisms for the Prevention of Genocide and other Atrocity Crimes (2015-2018)

No items found.

Annual Reports of the Latin American Network for Genocide and Mass Atrocity Prevention

No items found.
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