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January 18, 2023

Raphael Lemkin Seminar for Genocide Prevention, Latin America Edition

The Latin American edition of the Lemkin Seminar educates participants on policies for prevention of genocide and mass atrocities while bearing in mind the specifics of Latin American countries and their promotion of these policies internationally. It addresses the region's current realities and the strengths of the regional system in dealing with 1) systematic human rights abuses of the past; 2) the rights of indigenous peoples; and 3) the rights of political groups. The current goals of the seminar are: 1. To familiarize participants with the concept of genocide, its relation to the broader category of atrocity crimes, and the processes by which genocide occurs. 2. To empower participants with the practical competencies (knowledge and skills) necessary to develop the means to identify and deter the potential for genocide, limit genocide as it unfolds, and engage in the best practices of post-conflict peacebuilding that aim to prevent the future occurrence of atrocity crimes in a post-conflict society. 3. To examine critically and reinforce the emergent norm of the Responsibility to Protect, recognizing that sovereignty is not a privilege but a responsibility. 4. To foster intercultural dialogue in an open and respectful exchange between individuals with different cultural backgrounds or worldviews with the aim of developing a deeper understanding of diverse perspectives and practices, with a particular focus on the role played by discrimination and “otherness” in fostering inequality. 5. To develop a regional network of state officials who will take action to prevent genocide and other atrocity crimes. The seminar is currently co-organized with the [Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum,]( [United Nations Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide and the Responsibility to Protect]( and the [Stanley Foundation]( **Click dates below to learn more.** ### **June 2017,** **Oświęcim, Poland** ### Event Program - Click here to download the program ### Participants - \* Anabel Alfonsín Cano, Legal Adviser, Office of Human Rights, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Argentina - María Cecilia Cavallo, Education Coordinator, Museum of the ESMA Site of Memory, Argentina - Karina Gutierrez Rosas, Human Rights Adviser, Ministry of Defense, Bolivia - Teniente Coronel Karina Soza, Head of Department, Department of Human Rights of the Carabineros, Chile - Daniel Cortés Tamayo, Coordinator, Office of Doctrine and Legal Counsel, Colombia - Alvaro Sánchez González, Representative of the Bar Association to the Humanitarian Law Commission, Costa Rica - Ernesto Pinto-Bazurco Barandiarán, Head of the Economic-Commerical Section of the Embassy of Peru in Poland - Andrea Nina, Vice Minister of Culture and Patrimony, Ministry of Culture and Patrimony, Ecuador - Carlos Enrique Rodríguez Rivas, Coordinator of Social Sciences for the National Plan for Teacher Training, Ministry of Education, El Salvador - Raquel Caballero de Guevara, Human Rights Prosecutor, Office of the Ombudsman, El Salvador - Luisa María Leiva Mazariegos, Subsecretary for Women, Secretariat for Women's Rights, Public Ministry, Guatemala - Allan Ortíz García, Coordinator-General, Unit for Community Prevention of Violence, Guatemala - Madellyn Baquedano Moncada, Human Rights Adviser and Assistant to the Sub-Secretary on Human Rights and Justice, Secretariat for Human Rights, Justice, Governance, and Decentralization, Honduras - Rosita Angelo, National Director for Education, Ministry of Education and Culture, Uruguay - Teniente María Soledad Obregón García, Under Director for Maritime Affairs and Legislative Studies, Legal Unit, Secretary of the Navy, Mexico - General Brigadier José Carlos Beltrán Benites, Director-General of Human Rights, National Secretary of Defense, Mexico - Jessica Sosa, Officer for International Humanitarian Legal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Paraguay - Tatiana Rojas, Coordinator, National Center for Historical Memory, Colombia - David Ricardo Uribe González, Legal Counsel, Foreign Affairs Secretariat, México - Consuelo Olvera, Director of the Executive Secretariat, National Commission on Human Rights (CNDH), Mexico - Jorge Enrique Calero Chacón, Vice-Prosecutor, Office of the Ombudsman, Colombia - Denisse Andrea Hurtado Morales, Adviser, Universal Human Rights Systems Department, Office of Human Rights, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Chile - Daniel Lerner, Coordinator-General of the Special Commission on Political Deaths and Disappearances, Secretary of Human Rights, Brazil ### July 2016, Montevideo, Uruguay ### Program - Click here for the event program ### Participants - Agustina Luque, Adviser in the General Office of Human Rights, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Culture, Argentina - Josefina Nacif, Adviser in the General Office of Human Rights, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Argentina - Daiana Gerschfeld, Education and Memory Program, Ministry of Education and Sports, Argentina - Gabriel Andrés Limache de la Fuente, Official for International Seminars, Vice-Presidency of the State of Bolivia - Fabíola Geoffroy Zeraik Veiga, Head of Multidisciplinary Advisory and Head of the Office of International Affairs, Federal Public Ministry for Citizens' Rights, Brazil - Karolina Alves Pereira de Castro, General Coordinator for Combatting Torture, Secretary of Human Rights, Ministry of Women, Racial Equality, and Human Rights, Brazil - María Eugenia Moreira Ceballos, Legal Adviser, Office of Human Rights, Chile - Luz Alba Vanegas, Coordinador of the Internal Working Group for International Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Colombia - Mabel Segura, Coordinator for Unity in Multilateral Affairs, General Office of Foreign Policy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Culture, Costa Rica - Yolanda Galarza Yanez, Director of the Program for Reparations to Victims and Protections Against Impunity, Office of the Ombudsman, Ecuador - María del Cisne Ojeda, National Director of the Mechanism for the Prevention of Torture, Office of the Ombudsman, Ecuador - Carlos Sosa, Adviser, Investigation and Social Unrest, Ministry of Governance, Guatemala - Ray Orantes, Unit for the Prevention of Community Violence, Guatemala - Jackeline Anchecta, Director of the General Investigation Office for Compliance with International Commitments in Human Rights, Secretary of State in the Office of Human Rights, Justice, Governance, and Decentralization, Honduras - Alejandra Ortiz Soria, Frigate Captain, Naval Justice Service, Secretary of the Navy, Mexico - Miguel Angel Reyes Moncayo, Director of Litigation, Secretary of Foreign Relations, Mexico - Fernando Ferreiro, Jefe de Despacho en la Honorable Cámara de Senadores del Jurado de Enjuiciamiento de Magistrado a Través de la Concertación Avanza País, Paraguay - Jaime Torales González, Analista de Políticas y Proyectos de Derechos Humanos y Sociedad Civil en la Unidad General de Derechos Humanos, Paraguay - Maya Theresa Soto Malca, Deputy Director of Human Rights, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Peru - Ellis Rios, Head of the Office of Supervision of Human Rights of Private Peoples on Liberty, Office of the Ombudsman, Panama - Coronel Carlos Frachelle, Director of the National School for Peacekeeping Operations, Uruguay ### February 2016, Oświęcim, Poland ### Program - Click here for the event program ### Participants - Agustina Luque, Adviser in the General Office of Human Rights, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Culture, Argentina - Emmanuel Kahn, Education and Memory Program, Ministry of Education, Argentina - Gabriel Andrés Limache de la Fuente, Official for International Seminars, Vice-Presidency of the State of Bolivia - Fabíola Geoffroy Zeraik Veiga, Head of Multidisciplinary Advisory and Head of the Office of International Affairs, Federal Public Ministry for Citizens' Rights, Brazil - Karolina Alves Pereira de Castro, General Coordinator for Combatting Torture, Secretary of Human Rights, Ministry of Women, Racial Equality, and Human Rights, Brazil - Viviane Amaral Souza, Federal Prosecutor, FUNAI, Brazil - María Eugenia Moreira Ceballos, Legal Adviser, Office of Human Rights, Chile - Luz Alba Vanegas, Coordinador of the Internal Working Group for International Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Colombia - Mabel Segura, Coordinator for Unity in Multilateral Affairs, General Office of Foreign Policy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Culture, Costa Rica - Yolanda Galarza Yanez, Director of the Program for Reparations to Victims and Protections Against Impunity, Office of the Ombudsman, Ecuador - David Morales, Prosecutor for the Defense of Human Rights, El Salvador - Carlos Sosa, Adviser, Investigation and Social Unrest, Ministry of Governance, Guatemala - Jackeline Anchecta, Director of the General Investigation Office for Compliance with International Commitments in Human Rights, Secretary of State in the Office of Human Rights, Justice, Governance, and Decentralization, Honduras - Alejandra Ortiz Soria, Frigate Captain, Naval Justice Service, Secretary of the Navy, Mexico - Miguel Angel Reyes Moncayo, Director of Litigation, Secretary of Foreign Relations, Mexico - Alvaro Osorio, Coordinator of the National Mechanism for the Prevention of Torture (MNP) and Special Prosecutor on Prisons, Public Prosecutors Office for the Defense of Human Rights, Nicaragua - Ellis Rios, Head of the Office of Supervision of Human Rights of Private Peoples on Liberty, Office of the Ombudsman, Panama - Alexandra Zayas Brusquetti, Analyst, Depaertment of Cases and Petitions, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Paraguay - Fernando Ferreiro, Jefe de Despacho en la Honorable Cámara de Senadores del Jurado de Enjuiciamiento de Magistrado a Través de la Concertación Avanza País, Paraguay - Patricio Rubio, Executive Secretary of the Special Commission for Refugees and Deputy Director of Affairs of International Law, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Peru - Coronel Carlos Frachelle, Director of the National School for Peacekeeping Operations, Uruguay ### Instructors - James Waller, Cohen Chair of Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Keene State College, U.S. Director of Academic Programs, Auschwitz Institute for Peace and Reconciliation (AIPR) - Dr. Piotr Setkiewicz, Ph. D. Historian, Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum - Mario Buil-Merce, Political Affairs Officer, UN Office of the Special Advisers on the Prevention of Genocide and the Responsibility to Protect (OSAPG) - Vahidin Omanovic, Co-Founder and Co-Director of the Center for Peacebuilding - Gabriela Rivera Martinez, Lawyer and Independent Consultant - Mariana Salazar, Director of International Humanitarian Law, Consultoría Jurídica de la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores de México - Andrea Gualde, Senior Adviser for Latin American Programs, AIPR - Kerry Whigham, Chief Editor of _e-misférica,_ Instituto Hemisférico de Performance y Política - Alicja Białecka, Plenipotentiary for the New Main Exhibition, Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum - Tatiana Gos, Consultant on International Law and Human Rights, Synceritas, Panamá ### Observer - Jai-Ayla Sutherland, Program Associate - Genocide Prevention, Stanley Foundation ### Organizers - Tibi Galis, Executive Director, AIPR - Maria Eugenia Carbone, Director of the Technical Secretariat of the Latin Amerivan Network for Genocide and Mass Atrocity Prevention, AIPR - Stephanie Alvarez, Program Coordinator, New York Office, Technical Secretariat of the Latin Amerivan Network for Genocide and Mass Atrocity Prevention, AIPR - Clara Ramírez-Barat, Director, Educational Policies Program, AIPR - Jack Mayerhofer, Coordinador of the Office of the Executive Director; Africa Programs – New York Liaison, AIPR - Gosia Waligora, Political Affairs Officer, AIPR - Diana Mantilla, Latin American Programs Assistant, New York Office, AIPR ### May 2015, Santiago, Chile ### Program - Click here for full program ### Participants - Maria Gabriela Quinteros, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Argentina - Liliana Guzmán Gorena, Director of Human Rights, Ministry of Defense, Bolivia - Luciana Peres, Department of Human Rights, Presidency of the Republic, Brazil - Luciano Mariz Maia, Office of the Ombudsman for Citizen’s Rights, Brazil - René Rojas Illanes, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Office of Human Rights, Chile - Jaime Godoy, Head of Department of Universal System, Office of Human Rights, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Chile - Patricia Perez, Department of Education and Audiences, Museum of Memory and Human Rights, Chile - Beatriz Contreras Reyes, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Office of Human Rights, Chile - Alvaro Francisco Frías Galvan, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Colombia - Carolina Molina Barrantes, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship, Costa Rica - José Luis Guerra Mayorga, General Director of Protection, Office of the Ombudsman, Ecuador - Antonio Aguilar Martinez, Office of Ombudsman for the Protection of Human Rights, El Salvador - Jenny Paola Lemus Tenu, Department of Prevention of Violence and Crime, Ministry of Governance, Guatemala - Jaime Orantes Caravantes, Ministry of Governance, Guatemala - Kenia Carolina Irias Guzmán, Human Rights Secretary of Justice, Ministry of Governance and Decentralization, Honduras - Nelson Francisco Murillo Perez, Secretariat of Security, Honduras - Genaro Madrigal, Secretariat of Foreign Affairs, Mexico - SJN LD DEM Ernesto Moreno Corona, Captain, Navy, Mexico - Álvaro Enrique Osorio Ocampo, Office of the Ombudsman for the Defense of Human Rights, Nicaragua - Cristina Karolina Vera, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Paraguay - Gilda Beatriz Arellano Benegas, Office of the Ombudsman, Paraguay - Rosa Elena Arias Rojas, Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, Perú - María Alejandra Costa Prieto, Director of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Uruguay - Ariela Peralta di Stefano, National Institute for Human Rights, Office of the Ombudsman, Uruguay - Orlando Jose Alcalá Yánez, Ministry of Justice, Venezuela ### Instructors - Federico Villegas Beltrán, Director of Human Rights, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship, Argentina - Roberto Garretón M., Lawyer, Chile - Judge Juan Guzmán, Lawyer and Judge, Chile - Andrea Guzmán, Head of Unit for Autonomous Indigenous Population, Bolivia - Otilia Lux, Representative of the Global Caucus of Indigenous Women, Guatemala - Daniel Rodolfo Soto Muñoz, Legal Adviser to the Carabineros of Chile, Department of Human Rights, Chile - Roberto Osvaldo Menéndez, Head of Mission of the Mission to Support the Peace Process in Colombia of the Organization of American States MAPP / OAS - Antoine Nouvet, the SecDev Group Foundation (Canada) and Igarape Institute (Brazil) - Representative of Ministry of Interior and Public Safety, Chile - James Waller, Cohen Chair of Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Keene State College, U.S. ### Observers - Caroline Dulaney, Program Assistant, Crisis and Emergency Program, Wellspring Advisers - Clara Ramirez-Barat, Research Partner, International Center for Transitional Justice - Kerry Whigham, Managing Editor of E-Misférica, Doctoral Candidate at New York University - Mario Buil-Merce, Political Affairs Officer, United Nations Office of the Special Advisers on the Prevention of Genocide and the Responsibility to Protect ### October 2014, Oświęcim, Poland ### Program - Click here for full program ### Participants - Maria Josefina Nacif Casado, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Argentina - Arely Escobar Vargas, Ministry of Defense, Bolivia - Luciano Mariz Maia, Office of the Ombudsman for Citizen’s Rights, Brazil - Luciana Peres, Department of Human Rights, Presidency of the Republic, Brasil - René Rojas Illanes, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Chile - Alvaro Francisco Frías Galvan, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Colombia - Carolina Molina Barrantes, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship, Costa Rica - Jaime Orantes Caravantes, Ministry of Governance, Guatemala - Ray Orantes Ortiz, Ministry of Governance, Guatemala - Kenia Carolina Irias Guzmán, Human Rights Secretary of Justice, Ministry of Governance and Decentralization, Honduras - Nelson Francisco Murillo Perez, Secretariat of Security, Honduras - Genaro Madrigal, Secretariat of Foreign Affairs, Mexico - SJN LD DEM Ernesto Moreno Corona, Captain, Navy, México - Kath Steeven Rodriguez Rivera, Office of the Ombudsman for Human Rights, Nicaragua - Javier Mitil Martinez, Office of the Ombudsman, Panamá - Raimundo Gonzalez Muñoz, Office of the Ombudsman, Panamá - Gilda Beatriz Arellano Benegas, Office of the Ombudsman, Paraguay - Juan Alberto Guzmán, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Paraguay - Rosa Elena Arias Rojas, Ministry of Justice, Perú - Antonio Aguilar Martinez, Office of Ombudsman for the Protection of Human Rights, El Salvador - Diego Martin Perona, National School for Peace Operations of Uruguay, Uruguay - Ariela Peralta di Stefano, National Institute for Human Rights, Office of the Ombudsman, Uruguay - Orlando Jose Alcalá Yánez, Ministry of Justice, Venezuela ### Instructors - Federico Villegas Beltrán, Director of Human Rights, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship, Argentina - Eugenia Carbone, Director for Latin American Programs and the Technical Secretariat for the Latin American Network for the Prevention of Genocide and Mass Atrocities. - Eduardo Gonzalez Cueva, Director of Truth and Memory Programs, International Center for Transitional Justice. - Rut Clara Diamint, Professor of International Security at La Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, Argentina - Claudia Diaz, UN Office of the Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide and the Responsibility To Protect. - Tibi Galis, Executive Director of AIPR - Fabian Oddone, Deputy Head of the Argentine Embassy in Bogota, Colombia. - Vahidin Omanovic, Co-Founder and Deputy Director of the Center for Peace Building, Bosnia. - Andrei Serbin Pont, Investigative Coordinator for (CRIES) Regional Coordinator of Economic and Social Investigations. - Piotr Setkiewicz, Historian, National Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau. - James Waller, Academic Programs Director, Cohen Chair of Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Keene State College, U.S. - Davide Zaru, UN Office of the Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide and the Responsibility To Protect. ### June 2014, Buenos Aires, Argentina ### Program - Click here for full program ### Participants - Ramiro Gerszenswit, Secretary of the Embassy for Human Rights, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Argentina. - Natalia Luterstein, Legal Advisor in International Law for the Human Rights Secretariat, Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of the Nation, Argentina. - Arely Escobar Vargas, Head of the Intercultural and equality of Opportunities Unit, Ministry of Defense, Plurinational State of Bolivia. - Marlon Weichert, Regional Ommbudsman of the Republic, Public Ministry, Brasil. - Mónica Fonseca Jaramillo, Director of Human Rights and International Human Rights, Ministry of Foreign Relations, Colombia. - Fernando Lozano, Advisor, Directorate of Human Rights, Delegate Vice Minister of Defense before the CIAT, Ministry of Defense, Colombia. - Adriana Murillo, Minister of Consulate, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Costa Rica. - Shara Duncan, Advisor to the Office of the Chancellor, Costa Rica. - Analucia Quelal, Delegate of the Permanent Mission of Ecuador before the United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland. - Conrado Catalan, Legal Advisor to the Vice Ministry for the Prevention of Violence and Crime, Ministry of Interior, Guatemala. - Maritza O’Hara, Director of Education and Culture of Peace, Secretariat of Human Rights, Honduras. - Mariana Salazar, Director of International Humanitarian Law and Legal Advisor, Secretariat of Foreign Affairs, Mexico. - Miguel Lizarraga, Frigate Captain in the Naval Justice Service, Marine Secretariat, México. - Mónica Chavarría, Head of the Regional Office of Chiriquí, Office of the Ombudsman, Panamá. - Javier Mitil, Deputy Ombudsman, Office of the Ombudsman, Panamá. - Juan Alberto Guzman, Directorate of Human Rights, Paraguay. - Yudith Rolón, General Director in the Directorate of Truth, Justice and Reparation, Office of the Ombudsman, Paraguay. - Rhadys Abreu, Director of Human Rights, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dominican Republic. - Sandra Carolina Rivera, Deputy Attorney for the Defense of Civil and Individual Rights, Office for the Defense of Human Rights, El Salvador. - Martin Orlando, Second Secretary, Uruguay Embassy in South Africa, Uruguay. - Carmen Mercedes González Castro, Head of the Office for International Issues, Ministry of Interior, Justice and Peace, Venezuela. - Gabriel Winter, Deputy Director of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Directorate, Ministry of Foreign Relations, Uruguay. ### Instructors - Eugenia Carbone, Director for Latin American Programs and Technical Secretariat for the Latin American Network for the Prevention of Genocide and Mass Atrocities. - Rut Clara Diamint, Professor of International Security at la Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, Argentina. - Mauricio Garcia-Duran, President of the Center for Popular Investigation and Education CINEP, Colombia) - Tibi Galis, Executive Director of AIPR - Ivan Orozco, Professor of Political Science at la Universidad de los Andes. - James Waller, James Waller, Academic Programs Director, Cohen Chair of Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Keene State College, U.S. ### Observers - Angela Bruce-Raeburn, Program Officer, Stanley Foundation. - Savita Pawnday, Program Director, Global Centre for Responsibility to Protect. - Andrei Serbin, Investigative Coordinator for (CRIES) Regional Coordinator of Economic and Social Investigations, Advisor to the Nexus Fund. - Jennifer Smyser, Director of Programming Regulations, Stanley Foundation. - Daniel Uribe, Coordinator in the area of Revision and Selection of Constitutional Sentencing for the Constitutional Court of Ecuador. ### June 2013, Oświęcim, Poland ### Program - Click here for full program ### Participants - Liliana Guzman Gorena, Director of Human Rights, Ministry of Defense, Bolivia - Marlon Weichert, Federal Prosecutor, Office of the District Attorney, Brazil - Jaime Godoy, Head of Department of Universal System, Office of Human Rights, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Chile - Daniel Rodolfo Soto Muñoz, Legal Adviser to the Carabineros of Chile, Department of Human Rights, Chile - Mónica Fonseca Jaramillo, Coordinator, International Human Rights Group, Office of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Colombia - Fernando Lozano, Adviser, Office of Human Rights, Delegate of Viceminister, Ministry of Defense, Colombia - Ricardo Forero Muñoz, Adviser to Defense Minister’s Office, Ministry of Defense, Colombia - Adriana Murillo, Consulate Minister, Permanent Mission to the UN, Costa Rica - Rhadys Abreu de Polanco, Director of Human Rights, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dominican Republic - Analucía Jácome Quelal, Delegate for the Permanent Mission of Ecuador to the UN, Geneva, Switzerland - Conrado Catalán, Judicial Adviser for Human Rights, Ministry of Governance, Guatemala - María Jose Mazariegos, Technical Adviser, Ministry of Governance, Guatemala - Maritza O'Hara, Director of Education and Culture of Peace, Secretariat of Human Rights, Honduras - Lic. Miguel Fernando Lizarraga Fernandez, Frigate Captain of the Naval Justice Service, Marine Secretariat, Mexico - Tte. Coronel José Manuel Alcántara González, Section Chief of International Affairs, Ministry of Defense, México - Lic. Ricardo Sánchez Pérez del Pozo, Deputy General, Human Rights Defense Unit, Ministry of Governance, México - Maynor Aragon, International Relations Officer, Office of International Relations and External Cooperation, Office of the Ombudsman, Nicaragua - Anarosa Valdivieso, Minister, Director of Human Rights, Human Rights Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Perú - Yudith Rolón, Director, Department of Truth, Justice, and Reparations, Ombudsman’s Office, Paraguay - Sandra Carolina Rivera Flores, Officer of International Systems for the Protection of Human Rights, Office of Human Rights, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, El Salvador - Martín Orlando, Third Secretary, Office of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Uruguay - Carmen Mercedes González Castro, Head of the Office of International Affairs, Ministry of Justice, Venezuela ### Instructors - Mariana Salazar Albornoz, Director of International Humanitarian Law, Legal Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mexico - Clara Ramirez Barat, Research Partner, International Justice Trancisional - Mario Buil-Merce, Political Affairs Officer, Office of the Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide and the Responsibility to Protect - Daniel Feierstein, Director of the Genocide Studies Center, University of Tres de Febrero, Argentina - Tibi Galis, AIPR Executive Director - Andrea Gualde, Director General of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Human Rights, Argentina - Vahidin Omanovic, Co-Founder and Co-Director of the Center for Peacebuilding, Bosnia - Onyinye Onwuka, Program Officer, Early Warning Directorate, ECOWAS Commission - Liliana Uribe Tirado Mejía, Lawyer and Social Researcher, Colombia - James Waller, Cohen Chair of Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Keene State College, U.S. ### Observers - Ana Bourse, Coordinator of Training, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, CRIES, Argentina - Angela Bruce-Raeburn, Program Officer, The Stanley Foundation - Adama Dieng, Special Adviser, Office of the Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide and the Responsibility to Protect - Fred Schwartz, Founder and President, AIPR - Laurinda Spear, Architect - Raymond Spear, Architect - Daniel Fernando Uribe Teran, Area Coordinator for Review and Selection of Constitutional Rulings, Constitutional Court of Ecuador
Sheri P. Rosenberg

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